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Hi, I'm Bill, an Educator, Data Specialist, and Program Manager from Philadelphia.

About Me

Welcome to my portfolio! Included are several work samples, as well as a list of my most recent certifications and coursework. At the core of all of my work has been the desire to create positive change. Most often, that has been through the lenses of education, management, and data. I've had the pleasure of experiencing how those three domains overlap and reinforce each other in areas like communication and relationship building. 

Most recently, I've been participating as a fellow with the Northeast Transition Institute. This fellowship focuses on addressing a growing need for business owners, exit planning. I've had the pleasure of learning about practical use cases for employee ownership as an exit strategy, as well as what's required to make that process successful. Just as importantly, the fellowship has allowed me to connect with lenders and technical assistance providers in the northeast, and gain perspective on my own work by hearing about theirs.